Effet de différents types d’entraînement

  1. Daussin et al., 2008. Effect of interval versus continuous training on cardiorespiratory and mitochondrial functions: relationship to aerobic performance improvements in sedentary subjects
  2. Gormley et al., 2008. Effect of Intensity of Aerobic Training on V O2max.
  3. Heubert et al., 2003. Effet de 4 semaines d’entraînement sur le temps limite à VO2max.
  4. Heugas et al., sd. Approche multidimensionnelle des effets de deux types d’entraînement intermittent aérobie chez des experts en course à pied.
  5. Schjerve et al., 2008. Both aerobic endurance and strength training programmes improve cardiovascular health in obese adults

  Entraînement et consommation d’énergie

  1. Anonyme, 2007. Work and Energy in Muscles.
  2. Babraj et al., 2009. Extremely short duration high intensity interval training substantially improves insulin action in young healthy males.
  3. Cutts and Burns, 2010. Resistance and Aerobic Training Sequence Effects on Energy Consumption in Females.
  4. Helgerud et al. 2007.  Aerobic high intensity intervals improve Vo2max more than moderate training.
  5. Mazzetti et al., 2007.  Effect of Explosive versus Slow Contractions and Exercise Intensity on energy Expenditure.

Entraînement et diabète

  1. Sigal et al., 2007. Effects of Aerobic Training, Resistance Training, or Both on Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes.
  2. Snowling and Hopkins, 2006. Effects of Different Modes of Exercise Training on Glucose Control and Risk Factors for Complications in Type 2 Diabetic Patients.

 Entraînement, âge et santé

  1. Colcombe et al., 2006. Aerobic Exercise Training Increases Brain Volume in Aging Humans.
  2. Hamedinia, Haghighi et Ravasi, 2009. The Effect of Aerobic Training on Inflammatory Markers of Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Obese Men.
  3. Short et al., 2003. Age and aerobic exercise training effects on whole body and muscle protein metabolism.
  4. Schrago, 2006. Sport et fer en 2006.
  5. TjØnna et al., 2008. Aerobic Interval Training Versus Continuous Moderate Exercise as a Treatment for the Metabolic Syndrome.
  6. Tsekouras et al., 2008. High-intensity interval aerobic training reduces hepatic very low-density lipoprotein-triglyceride secretion rate in men.

Fatigue musculaire

  1. Allen et al., 2008. Skeletal Muscle Fatigue: Cellular Mechanisms.
  2. Enoka and Duchateau, 2008. Muscle fatigue: what, why and how it influences muscle function.
  3. Fitts, 2008. The cross-bridge cycle and skeletal muscle fatigue.

Entraînement et perte de poids

  1. Borer, 2008. How effective is exercise in producing fat loss ?
  2. Guinhouya, 2009Rôle de l’activité physique dans la lutte contre le syndrome métabolique infantile.
  3. Talanian et al., 2006Two weeks of high-intensity aerobic interval training increases the capacity for fat oxidation during exercise in women.

 Suppléments alimentaires

  1. Gualano et al., 2008Does creatine supplementation improve the plasma lipid profile in healthy male subjects undergoing aerobic training ?

Utilisation des lipides pendant l’exercice

  1. Adriano et al., 2010. Relationship between training status and maximal fat oxidation rate.
  2. Brouns and van der Vusse, 1998Utilization of lipids during exercise in human subjects: metabolic and dietary constraints.
  3. Burgomaster et al., 2008. Similar metabolic adaptations during exercise after low voume sprint interval and traditional endurance training in humans.
  4. Carey, 2009. Quantifying differences in the « fat burning » zone and the aerobic zone : implications for training.
  5. Gibala and McGee, 2008. Metabolic adaptations to short-term high-intensity interval training : a little pain for a lot of gain ?
  6. Kirk et al., 2009. Minimal resistance training improves daily energy expenditure and fat oxidation.
  7. Nybo et al., 2010. High intensity training versus traditional exercise interventions for promoting health.
  8. Perry et al., 2008. High intensity aerobic interval training increases fat and carbohydrate metabolic capacities in human skeletal muscle.
  9. Sahlin et al., 2007. The potential for mitochondrial fat oxidation in human skeletal muscle influences whole body fat oxidation during low-intensity exercise.
  10. Yeo et al., 2008. Skeletal muscle adaptation and performance responses to once a day versus twice every second day endurance training regimens.